Thursday, July 18, 2013

You Can't Stay Away When Love Starts to Breathe

This morning in Nepal God was moving and his spirit was stirring. God led me and my team through the connection of some other missionary friends to volunteer with beautiful ministry called “The Banquet House” ran by Iris here in Nepal. This ministry is wonderful, so spirit led and operating as the hands and feet of Jesus to the sons and daughters of God in Nepal. The Banquet House is the location where Iris Ministries Nepal serves meals to the street children and homeless people near the capital, Kathmandu, Nepal. As a team we all helped to prepare, cook and serve breakfast for a large group of kids, women and men who live in the streets. They all came tired, drunk, beaten & bruised, wounded, starving and thirsty through the doors of the Banquet Hall this early morning and it was a bit of a heavy atmosphere to be face to face with the poverty that is so present here in this country. The heaviness began to lift as we partook in prayer with the ministry staff as we prepared to serve these brothers and sisters. Also the atmosphere began to shift as one of the students serving at Iris Ministries this summer brought out his guitar and began to strum chords, erupting in worship to Jesus our King. As the Spirit was invited into this banquet hall some of us began to get up and dance and to have a blast embracing the freedom that Jesus gives us. I found myself singing and praying and dancing with the children. My heart began to move from a place of heavy weight to joyful flight as I used my breath to glorify God and as my steps intertwined with some of the least of these who are in desperate need of our Father’s unfailing love. As I scanned the outdoor dining hall that we had set up about an hour ago I found it now completely full of those who Jesus came to save – the lost and the lonely. I couldn’t help but take a deep breath and grab a seat near one of the deedees (which means older sister in Nepali). This sister had just walked in with her family, a man by her side and her baby in arms – she caught my eye and I could see the relief in her eyes to see a smile given to her and a hug given as she entered the banquet hall. Her daughter was precious y’all. Words can’t describe her beauty, her eyes twinkled and her skin glowed. As we sat together and listened & sang to the worship music – both in our own languages I talked to the baby and had the chance to lay hands on her and pray. I noticed that the child had cuts and sores all over her and I couldn’t help but tear up at all that I was witnessing. This beloved one of God smiled and acted as if she didn’t know the cuts or sores were even there although they covered her from head to toe – I began to feel the Lord say, “I love the untouchables and I adore my children. With my touch, with my love healing is in reach for those who believe.” I unashamedly began to directly touch the sores and wounds and let my prayers spring forth like an overflowing fountain. I longed for this family and baby to feel and know God’s love. Who knows if they understood me, who knows if they even remember my name – all that truly matters to me and to Jesus is that they remember him. I repeated the name of Jesus (Yeshu in Nepali) over and over along with Amen and the mom smiled and nodded in return and said the words back to me. It is moments like these that I know the love of Christ is alive and well and dwells within us. My heart is dirty and evil without Jesus who lives inside of me and it is definitely not me who wants to touch the hurt and needy but it is his compassion that flows through us when we allow it to. It is Christ in me that is longing to restore and heal his people and it is so humbling to see God use us for his glory.

After this moment with this sweet lady I returned to dancing with some of the children. There was one boy, Riquez, who I simply adored. He was the best dancer and he was tearing it up out there – so naturally we became besties. I noticed a few minutes after we had started dancing he walked outside the gates of the banquet hall with some of the older men and it made me uneasy so I followed him. As I walked out there my heart broke yet again to find him begging for a hit of one of the older man’s cigarette or pot (I’m not sure which one it was because they roll a lot of their own here so its hard to tell). I couldn’t just sit by and watch this take place, but not knowing what was okay to do in this type of situation I hesitated. In my mind all I could imagine was that Riquez didn’t have a father, he didn’t have a godly man to look up to, so he flocked to these men who were leading him in all the wrong things, but he just longed to be grown up and accepted/included. My thoughts and hesitations came to a halt and all I could do was respond out of God’s love and I walked right up to Riquez and wrapped my arms around him saying “No buddy, come back and dance, please come back, come with me.” Riquez proceeded to ask me if I wanted to smoke and I shook my head repeating, “No sweet one, Jesus loves you, come with me”. It was in this moment that the drunk older men who Riquez looked to for affirmation were beginning to surround me and approach me in not the most comfortable of ways. I kindly and forcefully at the same time said, “No, di (means sir in Nepali) stop” and walked away swiftly with Riquez in my arms headed back towards the gates of the banquet hall. As we walked in the worship music was wrapping up and the leader of the ministry was beginning to have everyone come together to pray over the meal we were about to share as one body. I sat back down on the dust covered cement ground and Riquez sat right in front of me. I put my hands out, palms up and willingly Riquez placed both of his tiny, scraped, smoke smelling hands in mine. As we began to pray Nepali style (in Nepal everyone prays out loud all at once when they pray) I grabbed this beloved one’s hands as tightly as I could and asked the spirit to pray God’s heart over him. I prayed and prayed and my heart exploded for love for this little one. As I prayed out loud Riquez pressed his forehead against mine and I opened my eyes to see him praying as well. In this moment yet again I know God was releasing a little bit of heaven on earth and I firmly believe I could see God coating Riquez in the armor of Christ so that when faces the trials and struggles of the streets he will be able to stand strong. As our prayers came to a close Riquez lifted his head and looked me in the eyes – we both said our amens and I said to him, “Yeshu loves you, Alleluia and Amen” and responded “Yes, Alleluia and Amen”.

Our God is a God of hope. He is a God who is near to the broken hearted and he binds up the wounds of the afflicted ones (Psalm 34:19). The need here in Nepal for revival is real. The need for a Savior to come to life in the streets is beyond crucial. My heart breaks and cries out asking God to take back this nation, for is the Father of all. I hope and pray that you will join me in these prayers. Our prayers move the heart of the Father (James 5:16) who loves us and his children all over the world. I know that at Iris Ministries this morning God changed lives and touched hearts. I also know that what I have experienced here today is only a fraction of the injustice, pain, and suffering taking place around the world so we must beg God to raise up laborers to send to the ends of the earth in Jesus’ name, for his is the only one who can save and bring redemption in all things.

Please pray for Iris Ministries Nepal and the work they are doing as the hands and feet of Jesus. Pray for my friend and brother Riquez. Pray, Pray, Pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17) – not one uttered word or groan goes unnoticed – that which we do for the least of these we do for our Heavenly Father.

I am reminded of God’s promise and cling tightly to this today –

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.”

-2 Corinthians 4:8-12

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