Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Eternal Waters Spring Up

On the way to Pokhara the Lord gave me a vision – He showed me as I prayed a picture of the dry riverbeds that are all throughout Nepal with me walking up stream in them, but there was no water. I became thirsty and so I started to lift up rocks in order to try and find a spring of water. Each time I lifted up a rock the water would come bursting forth and soak me and start to flow down and resaturate the dry riverbed. I would laugh and be filled with joy every time I took another step and heaved a stone up in order to release the fountains and geysers of water. After I had this vision the Lord spoke softly to me in my heart saying, “My daughter I know this year has drained you and has rocked you. I see that you are dry and you are still trucking up stream to find me and to know me and I see your faithfulness, and you are mine. Behold I am saturating you with my spirit, I have brought you here to refresh you, I have brought you here to know the depths of my eternal living waters.”

This past year was a lot about discovering what God does have for me and what he is calling me to along with what He is not calling me to. Through the ups and downs of that I feel like I was literally sucked dry of all the spirit inside of me. There were definitely seasons of joy amidst the pain and trial and error throughout the year, but it was definitely beyond draining emotionally, spiritually and mentally. I have realized in this week that I have spent in literally one of the most beautiful places in the world that God is for me and he would go to the ends of the earth to take care of me. God has brought me here, all the way to Nepal, for many reasons, but it blows my mind that he is revealing to me that one of the reasons is to refresh my spirit and to reveal the depths of his heart for me and my dreams for me. Our Father is the Father of love and he will do all he has to do in order to capture our hearts and I am so thankful for that. I think it has been a little hard to realize that I am doing a lot less of the impacting and a lot more of the receiving from God here. Every time I hear a child laugh or hear a story about a restored victim of trafficking my heart becomes a little more full, a little more saturated with the goodness of God and his big heart for me and for all of his children. What’s even wilder about all God had to say to me about what He is doing in my heart is that he also spoke it not just in my heart but through the devotional book I am using while I am here – it’s called Streams in the Desert and its phenomenal and I just have to share with you what it said two days after God gave me that sweet vision and word –

“We never know where God has hidden His streams. We see a large stone and have no idea that it covers the source of a spring. We see a rocky area and never imagine that it is hiding a fountain. God leads me into hard and difficult places, and it is there I realize I am where eternal streams abide.”

The affirmation that God has been providing to show me He has me here for every reason and all His good. It is blowing me away and exploding my heart and mind.

So with all of this as the prep for my week in Pokhara I was definitely expectant for God to show up and move and be so present. And our God is so faithful and He was more present than I could ask or imagine in this past week. It was a really sweet time – we did lots of hikes, lots of boating in order to get to opposite sides of the city, mountain bike adventures, moped bike rides, lots of theology discussions with the president of the organization, and lots of fellowship with my team sharing our stories and what God is teaching us while we are here. It was incredible we also got to visit the Dream Center land where the org is building more children’s homes and a school for the kids in this city that is above the low standards of education here in Nepal because the head of the org really believes that in order to change Nepal as a country that the next generation must be given the best opportunities to rise up as leaders in Christ first and then leaders in their communities. We also spent lots of time at the parks with the kids from the homes playing and laughing and celebrating their lives and freedom.

There is truly something about Pokhara that made me never want to leave. I don’t know if its just the screaming evidence of God in every sight I saw or if it was the adventure that lied around every nook and cranny. The streets were a little wider here and the air a little fresher and I think it was simply the perfect break from being in the capital city of Nepal for a week. The same issues remained at hand – child beggars, dance bars, and brokenness all around – but hope seemed more near here. I think also hope seemed closer because we reached the beginning of our third week here and God has started to reveal his authority, care, and sovereignty over the issues of injustice happening in this country and in the lives of these people. The hope wasn’t necessarily rising from the location we were at but from how God has been shaping my heart to understand him more and to also just surrender to not fully understanding him in regards to every pain and sorrow. God has been over time reminding me of the victory we have in Christ in all things and that he sent his only son here to redeem not just my life but all of creation back to its intended beauty and fullness. While I was in Pokhara I also wrestled with God a lot on the balance and concepts of his law and grace. I read through Romans 6, 7 and 8 I don’t know how many times and really prayed for revelation to come bursting through in my moments of stillness with Christ. It has been tough to fully understand but I do believe that God is honoring my pursuit of his truth and revealing piece by piece how to weigh both grace and the law and their proper purpose in my faith.

I am so thankful that my joy lies simply in my salvation (Psalm 51:12) and that our God goes out of his way to pursue and choose us (John 15:5-17) and he also has the heart to give us his best and pleasure and delight that lies in his hands (Psalm 16:11). I feel like I definitely wondered what God had for me and  why did he bring me here and what was this all for – but I know more than ever that I am in the right place in God’s timing and it couldn’t be more satisfying. I’ve always heard people say the best place to be is smack dab in the middle of God’s will for you and I am so thankful he has brought me too it. I am continuing to apply for jobs in the midst of my time here and trusting that as I had to give up my job to come here that God will graciously and sovereignly provide for me when I return back to the states. I do have an interview this Wednesday at 8:00 pm your time with an organization I love, admire and have always dreamed of working for, so if you are reading things please write it down in your calendar, set a reminder on your iPhone, do whatever you have to do to please pray for me at that time on Wednesday! Im thankful for the doors God is opening and his faithfulness.

I hope and pray God is moving in your lives more intimately than ever. He has chosen you, he loves you and he is jealous for more of you and your life. Give it to him – I promise it will be the best decision you’ve ever made, for our God is faithful until the very very very end. Praise Him who is worthy of it all and sooooo much more. I love you all.

As always here are some of the scriptures I have been reading and that God has been speaking to me through.

-Habakkuk 2:3
-Hosea 2: 14-15
-Romans 6:7

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